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Explore the inner workings of high-growth leadership teams, pre- and post-deal, compare competencies and expertise, and simulate various hiring models.

Map your Leadership market

Stay connected with how leadership teams are evolving with investment and exit cycles, drawing on data from more than 7,000 private equity-backed companies.

Simulate and model your ‘dream’ leadership team, to see how any leader will impact the effectiveness of the team.

Our insights support your decision-making by providing you with an accurate picture of a leadership team, supports modelling of different scenarios and the impact this will have on the probability of performance without you having to commit the time to meet with the team

Leadership Simulation

Remove the guesswork of leadership change.

See the impact of any leader, within any leadership team and start to assure the impact and success sought.

Compare and contrast candidates referred to you using this trusted source of objective analysis.

Determine the value of meeting a candidate from an opportunistic cv in your inbox, or consider the value of a known leader who is coming available.

Leadership Dynamics

Value Creation Plan Editor

Context is everything in leadership. No leader – however great – is right for every challenge.

Understand whether an individual or team is right for a given strategy by modelling their competencies against your investment hypothesis.

Visualise their strengths and weaknesses in the context of your value creation plan, highlight potential issues, and identify areas where change or development is needed.

Release Date: Q4 2022

Let's talk
Leadership Dynamics

Peer Group Benchmarking

Ever wondered why some leadership teams are so successful? Leadership Dynamics lifts the lid on thousands of leadership teams, so you can analyse strengths and weaknesses while comparing your own business against your peer group.

Run comparable leadership analysis against the best-performing teams and gain clarity on the options you can develop to optimise the different elements in a leadership team that will drive greater value creation. 

Model your existing leadership against their own peer group or against the most successful leadership teams and develop your organisation design and the role description for what is missing. Use objective comparable analytics to inform your leadership decisions, and evidence your decisions to others with clear comparisons.

Leadership Dynamics

Arms-length Team Evaluation

As an investor, understanding leadership competencies and how effective they are as a team or for how long they will be effective isn’t easy – particularly before you invest. Our digital insights tools enable you to carry out extensive analysis of any leadership team before you’ve even met them.

Check how their competencies and experience fit with your objectives and evaluate the value creation strategy for which the leadership team has the most potential. Arm yourself with leadership insights not only on the team from the investment you are considering but compare their leadership effectiveness against a peer group or even best-performing companies. Our insights help you frame initial conversations, shape your questions and test management attitudes to future scenarios. Visualise how to blend individuals’ functional expertise with their colleagues’ different situational capabilities, behavioural profiles and domain experiences.

How our customers use it
Leadership Dynamics

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